Potty Training Site Blog

Potty training tips and tricks. How to handle your potty training problems and frustrations. Discover the fastest, easiest most effective method for ending your potty training problems and frustration. This blog is about my adventures in potty training toddlers. Toilet training problems can be handled just like any other developmental situation. Kids pee, kids poop in pants, but is all just another mark on the potty training chart.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

On the Personal Side of Potty Training

When I usually post about potty training it is to the point. Today I am going to go on the personal side of potty training. What I am going to say I hope will open the eyes up of parents who are or will be potty training soon.

When you are in the stage of potty training you must do your best to Not punish your child for having potty accidents. The results may not show up right away but I can tell you that your child will resist potty training. In fact, I can promise you that your child will refuse to use the potty.

What parents do not think about is the fact that potty training is a learning process. They are the teachers. So I want to ask and for parents to take into consideration:

-Do you punish your child when they are learning to walk just because they fell while trying? Of course not.

-Do you punish your child when they are learning to talk and they don't pronounce a word correctly? Of course you don't.

-Do you punish your child when they are learning new things and obviously may not get it right the first, second, third time or beyond?

So why would you punish your child for learning to use the potty?

When they have an accident have them help you clean the mess up. Let them know it's okay let's try this again. Continue encouraging your child to go potty. To get them relaxed give them a toy to take to the potty, a book or put the small potty where they can watch a tv show or movie. Put it in the room they are most active in. Take them on a schedule with things to keep them occupied for a small amount of time. Be creative and make potty training an exciting time for the both of you.

Remember parents, you are the teacher. Praise and consistency works a lot better with potty training than punishment. Use positive reinforcement for a positive outcome.

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Potty Training Tips

Quick Potty Training Tips

-Potty Training can begin at anytime. There is not a "magical" age for a child to start potty training.

-Potty Training consists of the parent taking the child to the potty to make attempts at going, whether they have to go or not.

-Potty Training requires consistency. The more consistent you are, the greater your success will be.

-Potty Training IS a learning process. This is something new the child is learning. Parents are the potty training teachers.

-Potty Training with a positive attitude goes a long way.

When your child and you are ready to work on potty training, be prepared. Allow your child to be a part of the preparation. Praise your child for every attempt they make at potty training. The more positive and consistent you are the greater your chances of your child being potty trained soon.

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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Potty Training Problems

So you're in the midst of potty training when your child refuses to even sit on the potty. You give in and wait a little while longer and try again. This time they won't even think about going near the potty and tell you they are not going.

Do you keep trying or wait a little while or just throw in the towel and call it quits until they show interest in the potty?

You want to do your best to keep going. Be sure you are making it consistent by being persistent. Find things you know your child is entertained by and work them into potty training. Move the small potty to another room or let your child pick where they would like the potty to be.

Imagine no more trips to the store to buy diapers or pull ups. Did you know that you can save at least $500 when you potty train your child? For a limited time you can purchase the e-course book for $20, the cost of two packs of diapers or pull ups.

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Potty Training

Potty Training A Special Needs Child

What are some ways to work with a special needs child while potty training?

-Create flash cards showing pictures related to potty training
-Allow them to "explore" the potty (observe it, touch it)
-Demonstrate what the potty is used for
-If the child is wanting to use the potty in an unconventional way (backwards, squatting like a frog, standing up) allow them to. If you attempt to correct them it leads to the possibility of resistance.

All children need consistency and praise when potty training. Getting your child potty trained requires repetition, patience and creativity. All children potty train at different ages and in different ways. Integrate things you know entertains your child into potty training. What gets them calm, relaxed, cooperative?

Make potty training an exciting time and not just another "chore" to work on in a child's life. Potty training is a big milestone in any child's life.

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Potty Training

Blog #200!!!

Wow, what a milestone for pottytrainingsite! Just as this blog has accomplished a milestone so can your child. Potty training can be an exciting time for both child and parents. More independence, freedoms and opportunities for a child once they have accomplished potty training.

For a Limited time pottytrainingsite.com and the blog are having a celebration sale on the potty training e-course book "Potty Train Your Child in One Weekend"

Potty training can begin at any time as there is not a "magical" age. It is possible for children to become potty trained in one weekend. The method I teach parents is the method I used on my oldest son when I had been struggling to do it all on my own. In one weekend he was completely potty trained. The relief and excitement I felt that weekend is amazing. Before that time I honestly felt he was never going to be potty trained and that I was a failure as a parent.

It doesn't have to be that way. We all get tips, advice and ideas to work on potty training. Since we, the parents are the teachers to our children, it is up to us to tailor the potty training process to our children. One thing may work for one child while it may not with another.

With the e-book Potty Train Your Child in One Weekend it is filled with many tips, advice, ideas to try. We give you a step by step guide on what to do when preparing for potty training, what to do and a trouble shooting guide for those times accidents happen. We give a lot positive encouragement and guidance to parents as they work on potty training with their child.

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Friday, April 23, 2010

Potty Training Advice

About the Potty Training Coach

I usually do my best to blog often about various tips, ideas and other issues that come with potty training. This time though I decided I would blog about me, the potty training coach.

First, I am a mom of 3 kids ages 12, 7 1/2 and 4 1/2. In just a matter of two weeks I will be a graduate of Tennessee Technological University with a B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies with concentrations in Psychology and Sociology (and yes, that IS a mouthful!). Since 2007 I have managed the pottytrainingsite, this blog and toilettrainingsite.com.

It was only a few weeks ago that I acquired pottytrainingsite.com, the blog and toilettrainingsite.com from my best friend as a graduation gift. I have made every effort to get the websites and blog going again while being a mom and of course a college student.

Once I graduate from college I intend on spending more time with my "babies" with the intentions of making this blog and the websites the place to go for potty training advice. I realize there are many websites and blogs out there about potty training. How many of them do you feel has passion behind what they share with moms and dads? It is important to me that I give positive potty training tips to parents before they begin or are dealing with the frustrations of potty training. I want this blog to feel as personal as possible with moms and dads who really need advice for successful potty training.

I appreciate all of the support many have given me through following me on google friend connect, twitter and facebook. Please share this blog and website to friends, family and also on your blogs or websites. If you have any questions or concerns about potty training feel free to email me or place a comment on the blog.

From one parent to another,

Jennifer Bryan

Potty Training Coach

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Potty Training Tips

Top ten tips for beginning potty training:

1)Readiness- Pulling of diaper, wanting to be changed, showing discomfort with a soiled diaper

2)Positive Attitude- The power of a positive attitude affects the way a child views potty training

3)Praise- Every attempt should be praised

4)Consistency- Most important of the potty training process, staying consistent brings faster results

5)Encourage- Giving a little nudge to try potty training. Allow them to take a favorite toy, book or a special treat for entertainment.

6)Exciting- Be creative. Make a list of things that your child enjoys doing.

7)Prepare- Small potty and or a potty seat, kid wipes, underwear/panties, treats, rewards

8)Openness- Be open to the possibility that accidents, regression and frustrations are going to happen. These are temporary things that can be turned around for success.

9)Patience- Having patience and understanding that potty training is a learning process is important.

10)Journal- A place to write about potty training, goals, what your child does for entertainment, their schedule, any ideas to help with potty training issues.

Potty training is a special time in a child's life. This is a big milestone that gives them greater independence. Children learn at different paces leaving the parents to be creative with potty training, use positive praise, to maintain encouragement while continuing to be consistent for success.

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Potty Training Problems

When your child doesn't want to go poop...

This is a very common problem with children at any time during potty training and even after. It can be from anything: using pull ups, a stressful situation at home such as a new home, new sibling, new school,...
Even a painful bowel movement can set them back. Sitting on the potty may be uncomfortable to them. Medical issues can also be a factor.
Children can be ashamed of the potty, afraid of the potty in general, or feel going to the potty around others is a distraction.

Pull ups are similar to diapers and switching to them can cause confusion (even though some parents swear by them). If you're going to potty train get underwear.

If there is any stressful situation at home your child will sense it. A new baby brother or sister can send a child backwards with potty training. Even my middle child, the oldest son did this. Your child going to a new school can be a frightening experience.

Having someone take time daily to show support, encourage, motivate your child can help reduce resistance with potty training.

Painful bowel movements can result in a child resisting. Be aware of their diets to ensure they eat foods that are nutritious. Make sure they are eating foods that can cause constipation in moderation. If your child is showing signs of constipation give them plenty of fluids such as water, lemonade, powerade and foods with fiber.

If you are feeling there may be some concern with your child resisting having a bowel movement it is ideal that you keep a journal of what their potty schedule is, what they have eaten and drank.

Some children have a spastic colon meaning they are unable to control their bowel movements well. My brother had issues for years until he was 11 years old and was diagnosed with a spastic colon. For years he was punished and even placed on homebound. What fixed his problem? Changing his diet a little and him exercising. His stomach muscles were weak at the time of his diagnosis.

Yes, children can be ashamed of going to the potty. They do not understand that it is okay to try the potty and what you would like for them to do. Talk to your child everyday and reassure them that it is okay to sit and use the potty. Take baby steps to introducing them to the potty in a gentle manner. Encourage your child everyday to get closer to using it. Let them touch the potty, observe it. Ask them what they think about it. Would they like to sit on it alone with no one watching? Would they like to show their dolly, stuffed animal, lego people, etc how to use the potty?

Another common issue is that children are afraid of the potty. Watching the potty suck down the water, the loud noise some toilets make after flushing, accidental slip, lid falling on them (with or without injuries)... Taking baby steps to get them over their fears by showing them how to flush and cover their ears (mom or dad showing them and be silly about it), giving them ear muffs to ear plugs to wear or just for awhile getting mom, dad or someone else to flush it for them and then try integrating back into their routine. Use a potty seat or stick with the small potty to avoid slipping into the bowl. If they have to sit on the big potty with no seat the best thing is for someone to help support them. A lid falling on the child or a near miss can scare a child. Again, stick with the small potty or having someone assist them can help.

Encourage, comfort, motivate, be consistent with potty training or dealing with resistance. Patience is a must and taking it baby steps can reduce the resistance over a matter of time.

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

When to Potty Train

Most of us have heard the saying that children don't come with manuals. If there was one it would be bigger than most of us care to spend time reading. Each child reaches milestones at different times. This holds true with potty training.

Some children will begin to take diapers off after they have soiled them. Others may verbally mention peeing or pooping when it takes place. And there are those who just have a curiosity about the potty in general perhaps watching mom, dad or a sibling go.

Encouraging your child to try is important. It's okay to nudge a little as some children will need this boost. If a child has shown interest and then resists when trying, consider a little nudge.

Before you start potty training create a journal. Write down your positive expectations and goals. Make a list of things that you know keeps your child's attention for at least a few minutes. Create a section in the journal to develop a schedule. Consistency is very important for successful potty training. Praising your child every time they make an attempt to go is equally as important as consistency. Encouraging your child in a positive manner goes a long way.

Getting your child potty trained is not a perfect science. It is full of trials and errors as most opportunities of learning are. Parents are the teachers ultimately and it is up to them to make the very best of a milestone in the child's life.

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Potty Training In One Weekend

Parents often wonder if or when they will be ready for potty training. There is no magical age as each one will start to use the potty when they are ready. On average potty training boys starts around age 18 months up to 3 years. In some cases boys potty train closer to age 4. Again this is okay and quite common. Potty training girls is around 18 months to 24 months though they can start around age 3 as well. Many things can influence a child to begin potty training. Watching mommy and daddy use the potty, getting the undesirable feeling of a soiled diaper and wanting to pull it off, heading to the potty when the sensation is there to go, watching a sibling use the potty, and curiosity about the potty to name a few. Some parents do have to nudge their child to get them going and this okay.

I encourage parents to make potty training a wonderful and exciting time. It is a great opportunity to strengthen the bond as well. Parents must remember they are ultimately the "teachers" in potty training. Encourage, motivate and praise your child every step of the way.

For those who feel their child is showing signs of readiness it is possible to take one weekend to get their child successfully potty trained. For more information visit pottytrainingsite.com

If you are not sure if your child is ready sign up for our seven week series of a mini e-course sent to you by email. To sign up look for the email sign up box located at the upper right corner of the page.

Happy Potty Training!

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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Potty Training a Special Needs Child

Potty training can be a wonderful, exciting time to bond with your child. Having a special needs child to potty train is no different other than the fact you may have to spend a little more one on one time with them. Be creative and integrate things they enjoy playing with. What gives them entertainment and incorporate it into potty training. If stickers, lollipops or popsicles work then use them.

Most of all, BE Consistent! Take some time before beginning potty training and make a schedule. Dedicate time to work on potty training and nothing else. Always, always, always praise your child for their efforts.

If your child is unable to see or hear well create pictures related to potty training. Let them feel the potty, the toilet paper. Show them books related to potty training, even videos. Motivate and encourage them in ways you know how.

It's okay when they have potty accidents. Let them help you clean the mess up while praising their efforts. Give them hugs of reassurance as you want them to continue trying.

Rewards should be things your child doesn't often receive. Make it special rewards. You may even consider having a potty party for the "graduate."

Potty training is a great time to learn more about your child. It can be one of the most educational, bonding moments for the both of you.

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Friday, April 16, 2010

Potty Training

Earlier this week I was in the career services office at TN Tech University speaking with a counselor. We got to talking about potty training and how the country (Sweden to be exact) his wife is from potty trains children much earlier than Americans do. Around the world and even in the United States the age of getting a child potty trained varies. The main focus should be getting the child potty trained not what age they are when it happens.

It really is up to each parent as to when they chose to work on potty training. Some choose to do it as soon as possible while others wait until it is absolutely necessary. Then of course you have the parents who are struggling with their children when there is a deadline for preschool approaching.

First, it is a matter of consistency. Second, can you stick to a schedule? Three are you willing to stick with one thing and one thing only? That is, are you willing to take the risk of eliminating diapers and going full speed ahead to underwear?

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Potty Training

What are some ways to get your child potty trained? Make potty training a fun, exciting time for your child. Always praise them for their efforts. Think about some of the things that entertains your child and incorporate them into potty training. Most of all create a schedule and be consistent with it!

Consistency is the most important part of potty training besides praising them for their efforts.

When potty training problems arise and you become frustrated take some time out to relax. Allow things to calm down and then resume potty training.

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Potty Training Problems

It's not uncommon for a child to be struggling with potty training. They may have started out well and then regressed leaving the parents wanting to pull their hair out.
Potty accidents were on occasion and now are frequently occurring.

So what is a parent to do?

Potty accidents and regression happens and it's okay. You may have taken two steps back with potty training. The great thing is that it can be reversed.

Getting your child on a schedule, being consistent and praising your child will bring positive results. Encourage your child and give them a nudge with using the potty. Make it a fun and exciting time in their life even when they have accidents. Get them involved with the process because it is about them! Granted they may not be enjoying cleaning the mess they made though this will reinforce them to make an effort to use the potty.

Make potty training a positive experience even when there are setbacks. This will instill in the child to keep trying.

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Potty Training

There are a lot of changes that take place during potty training: No more diapers, hello underwear and saving money! More independence for the potty trained child and no more taking time to change diapers. It means getting accepted into preschool and feeling like a big kid.

Potty accidents may happen and that is okay. It's a normal part of the potty training process. One suggestion is taking the child to the potty on a schedule again until the accidents stop. If they are occurring at night be sure to take them to the potty prior to bed time. Eliminate fluids at least an hour before bed time. Also, consider leaving a potty chair beside the bed.

If you have visited the pottytrainingsite.com website recently, you may have noticed some big changes. Ownership is changing, the newsletter will be back up and running by May among several other changes to be seen soon. Keep stopping by to visit the blog with more new tips on the way!

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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Potty Training

Potty training comes at a crucial time in a child's life. Parents, guardians and babysitters all contribute to sculpting a child. What you say and what you do impacts a child's life whether it is positive or negative.

As you prepare to potty train or you are in the midst of potty training take some time to write your expectations, what the child's favorite things to do on a day to day basis and rewards they enjoy receiving. Think about things you can implement into potty training.

Do they enjoy watching certain movies? Then consider placing a potty chair in the room they watch movies in. If they enjoy playing in a specific room place the potty in it and allow them to implement it into their play time. Encourage them to show their toys how to go potty.

If the child loves popsicles, lollipops, cookies or another treat consider giving them one while they take a little time to at least try to use the potty. Rewarding a child should be more than just a treat. Renting a new movie they've wanted to see, a trip to Mc Donald's, or creating a treasure basket/box. Utilize what your child enjoys.

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