Toilet Training ProblemsDealing with Potty Training Problems can be frustrating for many parents and child care workers. However, it does not have to be that way. You have to remember that the toddler is learning a new skill and like all physical skills, it takes practice to get it right. A potty training accident only becomes a potty training problem when a caregiver makes it one. The toddler usually does not care. - Maybe that is your problem!
Here are some tips for dealing with Training problems:
Tips on Potty Training
1. Keep a Positive attitude.
Know that eventually your toddler will be potty trained and there will be hardly any more accidents.
2. Accept that things are just the way they are supposed to be.
A potty accident is not the end of the world. They may be inconvenient, but they are what toddlers do. Don't make a problem where there is not one.
3. Imagine what it will be like when you are diaper free!
Get a clear image in your mind of what you want to accomplish. Are you afraid of letting your child grow up? If so, let it go. Share your vision with your child. Play make believe stories with stuffed animals that go tot the potty at the correct time. Have fun with this time.
4. Keep that positive attitude!
Don't dwell on mistakes, but look to the successes. Don't chart the failures; forget them. Soon your child will be experiencing a wonderful new way of dealing with all the poop in life. Make this an easy time.
For more ways to face potty training problems with a positive attitude, see Christopher Westra's book.
Potty Training in five Hours. His other books are included as bonuses with the potty training book and they have some great ideas on how to face other life issues with a more positive outlook. (If you are trying to keep a completely positve attitude, don't read the bonus book "Parenting is Tough")
That link again is:
Potty Training in five Hours.