Potty Training Site Blog

Potty training tips and tricks. How to handle your potty training problems and frustrations. Discover the fastest, easiest most effective method for ending your potty training problems and frustration. This blog is about my adventures in potty training toddlers. Toilet training problems can be handled just like any other developmental situation. Kids pee, kids poop in pants, but is all just another mark on the potty training chart.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Presents and Children

Do your toddlers know what they got for Christmas?

Children are funny. Yesterday one of the little boys at day care decided to put a ball up the front of his shirt; he then put on a hat and declared himself to be Santa. At this point, two other children began to carry baby dolls to him and to tell him what they wanted for Christmas. This same child also said that Santa was now vacationing at the beach.

When I asked the children what the got for Christmas, they all replied presents or toys. As you can see most children under the age of three don't even remember what the present was, but they do know if they got one. So what's more important, getting a gift or what the gift is?

Potty Training at Day Care

Potty training is funny!

It's back to potty training time at the day care where I work. Christmas is still on the minds of the two year olds, and today when one of the children used the potty I heard them say Merry Christmas to their poop as it went down the drain. Children are funny at this age , especially when they are potty training.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Funny Poop

Here is a great list of ways to know you have a toddler:

1. A good night is when nobody poops in the tub.
2. You clap anytime someone goes potty.
3. You have your own ratings system for the consistency of poop.

The rest of the list is here...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Birth of the Ego in Two Year Olds

In Deepak Chopra's book "The Way of the Wizard" he says, "The birth of ego is the birth of duality. It marks the beginning of opposites and thus the beginning of opposition." Two year olds show this stage very well especially when it comes to potty training. This causes some stress for them and the parent when it comes to potty training. It is during this time that children refuse to go to the potty and want to hide and use their diaper. To get through this stage many parents come up with creative ways to help their child understand that going to the potty is much better than using their diaper. However, it is because of this "ego" stage that two year olds earn the title "terrible twos". Tantrums develop and the word no becomes a word in the two year olds vocabulary. How does a parent handle this stage? Tell me how do you handle the "ego" stage with your two year old?

Monday, December 19, 2005

Frustrated with Potty Training Accidents?

Do you become frustrated when potty training accidents occur? Accidents do happen, but try and smile and reassure your child that they can keep trying. Soon potty training will be finished, and you will be ready for the next step in your child's life. Many children are not ready to potty train until they are about 2 1/2 years of age. Some children will potty train earlier, especially if they are in a day care center that helps parents to potty train their child. Most children want to be noticed, and they are proud to go potty if that's what it takes to get noticed by everyone. (At 2 1/2 children are in the ego stage.)
Just remember to do everything you can to make potty training fun.

Thursday, December 15, 2005


Tips on Potty Training

Hi, I'm Ms Janice.
I am a teacher of two year olds at a day care. No matter what others say (that two year olds are terrible), I think two year olds are terrific.

In the day care class I teach one of the jobs we must do is potty train the children before they can go into the next class.

This Blog will tell you about some of the funny things that happen along the way to getting a child potty trained and will give other child care providers and parents an opportunity to tell what works and what doesn't work with potty training children.

This blog is about my adventures in potty training toddlers and two year olds at the day care center where I work. I will discuss how I handle potty training accidents, cleaning up kid pee and poop, how we use toddler potty charts, and other tips on potty training. I will tell you about some great online potty training books and offer as much free potty training information as I can.

Toilet training children can be a frustration time, but it doesn't have to be. Toilet training problems can be handled just like any other developmental situation. Kids pee, kids poop in pants, but is all just another mark on the potty training chart.

So for the latest potty training information, stay tuned. Sign up for an RSS feed or click one of the links for a method that works for toilet training in less than a day!

Here's to potty training your child,
Ms Janice