Potty Training Site Blog

Potty training tips and tricks. How to handle your potty training problems and frustrations. Discover the fastest, easiest most effective method for ending your potty training problems and frustration. This blog is about my adventures in potty training toddlers. Toilet training problems can be handled just like any other developmental situation. Kids pee, kids poop in pants, but is all just another mark on the potty training chart.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Potty Training at Day Care

Potty training is funny!

It's back to potty training time at the day care where I work. Christmas is still on the minds of the two year olds, and today when one of the children used the potty I heard them say Merry Christmas to their poop as it went down the drain. Children are funny at this age , especially when they are potty training.



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