Potty Training Site Blog

Potty training tips and tricks. How to handle your potty training problems and frustrations. Discover the fastest, easiest most effective method for ending your potty training problems and frustration. This blog is about my adventures in potty training toddlers. Toilet training problems can be handled just like any other developmental situation. Kids pee, kids poop in pants, but is all just another mark on the potty training chart.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Potty Accidents At Daycare

Potty accidents at daycare

Today was a fun day and a good day for the ones who are potty training at the daycare. All ten of the two year olds in the class are potty training, and sometimes we have some funny accidents.

The other day one of the little boys was standing at the potty to peepee, and while there, he decided to turn around to talk to me. Well you guessed it, his peepee ended in the floor. At first it surprised him, but he soon began to laugh. I also laughed and then cleaned up the accident.

We have had poopie accidents at the potty as well. One child likes to look and see if he pooped in the potty. If he did, he usually gets it on the potty as he looks in the potty. This is a bigger mess to clean, but I just clean up the mess and wash my hands really well.

I know many of you get tired and frustrated when your child has accidents. If you will do your best to stay calm and be patient with your child they will soon stop having potty accidents. Remember this is a learning process just like walking and talking, but it just takes a little longer to master.



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