Potty Training Site Blog

Potty training tips and tricks. How to handle your potty training problems and frustrations. Discover the fastest, easiest most effective method for ending your potty training problems and frustration. This blog is about my adventures in potty training toddlers. Toilet training problems can be handled just like any other developmental situation. Kids pee, kids poop in pants, but is all just another mark on the potty training chart.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Feeling Like A Bad Mommy

My sanity was saved when I met Janice at church. I was desperate by the time I had the opportunity to talk with her about my son Caleb. After I implemented her method, Caleb potty trained in one weekend.

I was a single mom to three children with Caleb being the middle child. He was nearing his fourth birthday and still was not potty trained.

At the time, I was also going through a custody battle for my youngest son. When I was relayed some information that criticized me for not having my son potty trained.

It hurt really bad yet I was frustrated. Even my ex husband was criticizing me when I felt he should be the one to help potty train our son.

Then Janice came along assuring me that Caleb would be potty trained. I was still skeptical though. Caleb had not shown any interest at all in learning to use the potty. It was almost as if he enjoyed being in soiled pants.

Countless days and nights I cried. I was angry, frustrated, and even depressed about it.

The opportunity to enroll Caleb in Head Start Pre-K was approaching quickly, but he had to be potty trained. I was not sure we would make it in time for school to begin.

Occassionally Caleb would pee in the potty. He just never had a bowel movement in it.

I felt I couldn't go anywhere with Caleb because the risk was just too much for him to have an accident.

The older he got the more I felt like a bad mommy. Helpless is the word I would describe as to how I felt.

As people say about things that have to get worse before they get better, this is one of them.

Janice gave me the tips to work with Caleb and I utilized them. That weekend, Caleb was potty trained! I was amazed yet I was still very cautious.

The more time that went by, the more relieved I was feeling.

And after talking with Janice about our potty training success, she explained to me that being angry, upset, frustrated, or even depressed only inhibits the potty training.

I also learned that much of what had been going on in our lives: moving, new baby, divorce most likely also contributed to the inhibition of potty training.

To learn more about my story and potty training boys, click here.



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